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November 15, 2022

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5 Steps to Surrogacy in Colombia 5 Steps to Surrogacy in Colombia
Learn the 5 fundamental steps to carry out a surrogacy in Colombia in the safest way, both legally and clinically. Always contact expert lawyers.

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December 15, 2020

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What is Surrogate Motherhood in Colombia? Woman and Surrogacy Lawyer
According to the Sentence T-968 of 2009 of the Constitutional Court, surrogate motherhood or "surrogacy" is the reproductive act that generates the birth of a gestated child, by a woman subject to a pact or commitment, by w...

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July 23, 2018

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How are Assets Divided in a Divorce? Howa are Assets Divided in an Amicable Divorce
A divorce is a legal process to end a marriage or civil common union between two people that have lived together for 2 years or more. It's a tough situation for both parties

Category: Divorce
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July 16, 2018

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All you Need to Know About Getting Marriage in Colombia  A Couple Marriage in Colombia
Nowadays, it is very common to see marriages between Colombians and foreigners, but besides the celebration, there's a lot you need to know in advance on what the Colombian legislation states about the marriage.

Category: Marriage
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